Wednesday, July 23, 2008

News from Canada

I got news from Canada yesterday and earlier today. Sila, as predicted, has diarrhea. They say she doesn't act sick though, so that's good. She's been given some medicine to help clear it up, and she is only eating boiled chicken and rice. (SPOILED!)

On the showing side, they have pretty much been wiping the floor with Sila up there. Yes, she's a pretty girl, but she's an immature pretty girl. Jolli is finished, Piper is only one point away from finishing, and Sila is only up to 3 points. Hopefully they will be able to put more points on her before this is all over. I know everyone is working so hard with her up there and it is truly appreciated. I know she is probably the most problematic dog they brought, being sick and not winning. I wouldn't trust her in anyone else's hands!

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