Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cookie's back!

After 2 weeks away, Cookie is finally home. She went with Carol to do some lead/show training and Carol's dog, Jello, stayed with us for some socialization. Though we enjoyed having Jello here, we are glad to have Cookie home. Well, except maybe Jarrod. Cookie was so happy to see Sila that she peed on the floor and was still tinkling alittle when she jumped up on Jarrod's lap. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy, but he'll get over it.

Here is a picture of Sila and my nephew Trevor napping together.

And further down the couch, Solace and Jello nap, too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sila's Birthday Party

On Saturday we had Sila's 2nd birthday Party. We had 15 vizslas total at our house. We had a lot of fun and really lucked out with the weather. Left to right are Jan and Obie, Susan (Sila's breeder) her dog Jolli and Sila's mom Hazel, me and Sila (I know, I'm not very photogenic!) Tarni and Beatrice, her husband Vasska and son Dillon and their other v Beckett.

Cookie (sneaking in for some kisses), Jan and Obie, Mel and Remi (not in first pic), me and Sila, Susan and Hazel, Vasska and Beatrice.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Haven's birthday

We had Haven's 10th birthday this saturday and I just had to share this lovely picture of my girl. Notice Sila scooching her way into the picture. Well, of course, someone was sitting on the couch, she couldn't let her get cold! Below: see demon dog in the background?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Missing Nub

Nub got adopted last Saturday. He went to an excellent home where he is going to get everything he needs. Lots of exercise, indivudual attention, among other things. Here is one of the last pictures we got with/of him, and I absolutely love it. As a result, the girls are getting closer. Here are a couple of pictures showing them cuddling.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Party planning

Evites went out today for Sila's second birthday party. We are hoping to get atleast some of the Gem Litter together for some fun and to see how everyone turned out! Cookie will get the chance to see other puppies, and hopefully Sila will be able to hang out with some siblings. We'll see.

Oh, btw, Sila will be coming into season very soon, we are just hoping she is out of the "danger zone" before the party. We don't need any more puppies right now! (And Susan's dog Jolli loves Sila to death as it is!)

Even if it is just Susan and me, that's still 7 or 8 dogs. I wish some of you were closer!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I talked to Susan today about how her 2 puppies (born May 28th), and Carol's 2 puppies (one from that litter and one from Cookie's litter) were doing. I had seen the former 2 on Thursday, but haven't seen the latter in a couple of weeks. I guess they have all gone to the vet and all range from 26 or 27 lbs to 29 lbs. How much does Cookie weigh, you ask? She weighs in at a whopping, wait for it...18 lbs. She is a peanut. She has always been little, but she is significantly smaller than her counterparts. I increased her food tonight to try to put alittle more weight on her. She is completely proportional, she's just slim!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My wish list

For those of you who want to know me alittle better, I have put in this link so that you can view the array of items on my wishlist. It is continually growing and evolving. One day I will make some sort of dent in it, or atleast a purchase from it, which I have not been able to do thus far.

My Amazon Wishlist

Monday, September 8, 2008

Adventures in doggiesitting

This weekend I dog sat for 5 vizslas; Sila's mom, 2 half sister's (one of whom is Cookie's mom), a half brother, and an un-biologically related family member. So, I brought Sila and Cookie with me to enjoy the fun! Here are some pics.

Solace and Hazel

Hardy and the skunk

Hazel and Hardy hunting a squirrel

Sila and Cookie hunting a squirrel

Solace and Sisi getting ready for bed

Solace and Hoover

Truffles relaxing

Pooped out pups (clockwise from top: Sila, Hardy, Truffles, Sisi)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My other blog

Hello, all! I have started that second blog I was telling you about. I'll let you read about it there. I've linked to it on my link list, but you can also get to it here:

It will be getting more detailed, etc. as I move on, I just made it yesterday. Check it out!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My nephew Trevor and the girls

Ok, I know this isn't Vizsla related, but I figure this blog is about our life living with and around vizslas. I guess that includes life beyond strictly vizsla stuff. I think I will be starting a second blog soon. (Sorry, Mer, more to add to your google reader list!) More on that later, until then, I had to share these pictures of me nephew Trevor. Too cute.
Haven and Trevor


Solace and Trevor

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cookie pictures

Ok, I know I have been lacking in the update and picture department. But, I have a new camera now, so I took some pictures today. Here's Cookie basking in the sun.

Solace and Cookie fell asleep on the floor, underneath the desk. Don't ask...

Sila eyeing the prize...

Sila got the fox, and Cookie looks on longingly.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cookie Monster

Cookie is adjusting very well to her new home. She is a silly little thing. But, she sleeps through the night from about 9 to 6:15 or 6:30 when my alarm goes off. I don't know if she'd sleep longer than that. I don't have the liberty of finding that out. She goes in her crate on her own sometimes during the day, she doesn't fight me to get into it at bedtime, she's eating well. All in all she is doing really well. I need to get a new camera so that I can post some pictures.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cookie pictures

Here she is, my little Cookie. That's her sitting up.That's her laying ontop of her sibling. I think we have a cuddle bug on our hands.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our puppy

Well, after much confusion and such, we have finally found out definitively who our puppy is! Yeah! Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her yet. It's always something, isn't it? Amanda and I went down to watch some evals., tattooing, and have some puppy fun. I was videotaping some things, and Amanda was taking pictures, so hopefully she will have some for me to show you. I can't wait to see them!

PS Her name is Cookie

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Sila took 2 Best of Breeds (majors) in Canada, putting her at 5 points of the 10 she needs to finish. That is probably all she will do, but it's halfway there. We are very excited about her accomplishments and can't wait to see the pictures. I'll post them once I get them.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pictures from Haven's Tri

We only got a few, and not any action shots, but she looked darn cute.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Haven participated in a triathlon last night. She stopped after the bike portion, but only because she was sent to start in the wrong tri! She was supposed to be in the kids tri which was:

50meter swim, 1 mile bike, 1/2 mile run but she ended up doing
1/8 mile swim, almost 4 mile bike ride

We are so proud of her for not giving up and for working so hard! She says she may be up to doing the real kids tri in August. After that, it should be easy! I can't tell you how proud I am!
Picture(s) to come soon.

News from Canada

I got news from Canada yesterday and earlier today. Sila, as predicted, has diarrhea. They say she doesn't act sick though, so that's good. She's been given some medicine to help clear it up, and she is only eating boiled chicken and rice. (SPOILED!)

On the showing side, they have pretty much been wiping the floor with Sila up there. Yes, she's a pretty girl, but she's an immature pretty girl. Jolli is finished, Piper is only one point away from finishing, and Sila is only up to 3 points. Hopefully they will be able to put more points on her before this is all over. I know everyone is working so hard with her up there and it is truly appreciated. I know she is probably the most problematic dog they brought, being sick and not winning. I wouldn't trust her in anyone else's hands!

Monday, July 21, 2008

No news and good news

Well, I haven't heard anything from Canada in a day and a half. I wonder how it's going! But, I have heard news of Sila's little sister. We are getting closer and closer to finding out who she is going to be, so the excitement is mounting!

It is so interesting to see the process of evaluating and choosing puppy placements. Sila's breeder, Susan, is very diligent about it and is wonderful to share the process with me. I know she has a daunting task, placing 16 puppies, but I know that each one will be placed with much love, time, understanding, and patience on her part. I can't wait to bring our little booger home.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Point...

Sila won her first point in Canada today. She went up with another bitch, Piper, who is fierce competition. Piper won Friday, Sila won yesterday. Piper is much more mature and filled out, so I was pleasantly surprised that she won. I am just trying to be positive and hope she does well and has fun.

Carol said that she is being finicky about her food. That doesn't surprise me. That's what happened when she went to Omaha. She usually eats 2 meals a day, 1 at 7 ish and 1 at 5 ish. Now she's eating one big meal at 8pm.

For those of you who don't know, or would like to know, here are the basic requirements to get a championship in Canada:
Win 10 points under 3 different judges.
Win atleast (1) 2pt (major) win

Friday, July 18, 2008


This is Sila and her friend Bruno together after a long jog in the woods. He's one of my best friends, and I think he may have a little crush on me ;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh, Canada

Sila is off to Canada. I didn't cry. I teared up, but I didn't cry. It helps that I had 16 puppies to occupy my mind when she left with Carol. The other dogs that are going up are very stiff competition for her. We'll see how she does. I just hope she doesn't get too stressed and has a good time.

I learned SO much from Carol today when she did some prelim. evaluations of the first litter. I can't wait to see how everyone else evaluates them and find out who our new puppy is!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finishing touches

So the meeting last night, though alot of business got taken care of, was actually alot of fun. Today I have to bring Sila to the vet to get a physical and get her health certificate for Canada. I also have to pick up the pages of Sila's breeder book that Eric did from Staples. A big THANK YOU to Eric for all of his help with this! Once all that is done, I will feel much better!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bored meeting

Tonight I have my first official meeting on the CVVC Board. I have never been to an actual board meeting before, so this should be interesting. I have no idea what to expect, and don't know how I will be received as such a newbie to the breed and being much younger than everyone else. We will see what this holds. Regardless, I am very excited.

Time to start getting ready for Canada. I have to get Sila's bag together with her
  • food
  • bowl
  • show lead
  • supplements
  • chew toy
  • paper work
  • breeder book
  • anxiety herbs (she got very sick when she went away to Nationals, but she was much younger then. Better safe than sorry!)

I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I got poked today!

Mom brought me to the vet today and she took some of blood. Mom says that it is for an important epilepsy study. I guess it's worth it then. But, on the positive side, I got to see my sister Schatzi and my brother Obie today. Yeah! Oh, and my friend Carol and my grandma Suz. Whoo-hoo!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

First show

Daddy wanted to show you my first show when I was 10 months old. We were both very nervous (it was dad's first show too), but I won and took BOS over a special! Mom says I was a little heavy, but hey, we got the job done, right?

Running, running, running

Mom is running me ragged. She says that I need to be in top shape for Canada. Mom is sending me away with my friend Carol to try to get some points in Canada. I'm really going to miss my mom, (but she's probably going to miss me even more!), but I really like Carol. So, in the mean time, I'm running, running, running. For those of you who don't know, I'm the laziest vizsla on the planet. I spend most of my day sleeping. Ah well, it does feel good, I love being in the woods, and it makes the sleeping that much better!

Back to back

This is a picture of my second of back to back majors. You think mom yelped the first time? You should have heard her today! Crazy lady...

First major

So, this is a picture of my first major. Mom let out a little yelp (you'd think someone stepped on her paw or something).

We are the champions, my friends...

I guess I'm officially a champion, whatever that means. Mom and dad seem excited, but all I know is that I get some good eats when I trot around in circles. That makes me a champ? Geez, I should have done that a long time ago! So, here's a picture of my last win. Mom says it was a 5 point major BOW win for my 4th major. Technical, technical...Not my best pic, it was excruciatingly hot that day, and I was pretty worn.

Thanks Amanda

Ok, ok, so Bruno's mommy Amanda convinced my mom to do some typing for me and reinvent her blog into my blog. Geez, was that confusing? Anywho, here I am world! I guess I have alot of updating to do since I have never posted before! I'll get cracking. I just wish mom typed faster!